Terms and Conditions.

FOCUS only uses the information collected in this form to provide the services you have requested from us – you can read about this in our Privacy Policy. This will include contacting you with important updates about the event. I understand and agree that my personal data may be held and used by the organiser of this event, and any third-party provider acting on its behalf, in order to stage the event and to analyse visitor traffic with a view to improving the event experience for participants.

1. All visitors must cooperate with the security team and all bags are liable to security searches.
2. Name badges must be worn at all times.
3.  Filming/photography is not permitted unless prior consent has been obtained from the organisers
4. The organiser will take photographs and videos at the event and may use these for marketing purposes. Please get in touch with FOCUS at if you wish to be omitted. 
Badge Policy
I understand that I must allow my badge to be scanned by the organisers when entering the exhibition to ensure the safe running of the event.
I understand that by choosing to allow my badge to be scanned by an exhibitor, sponsor or partner inside the event, I will be providing them with my personal data. This data may be used to contact me about products or services and I understand that they may transfer this data outside of the European Economic Area for these purposes. 
I understand that I can decline to have my badge scanned by an exhibitor/sponsor/partner.
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